Senin, 23 April 2012

24th note

Hidup itu Klise (tapi teruslah bertanya)

Biasanya menjelang bertambahnya umur, manusia kembali diingatkan untuk berefleksi maupun berintrospeksi diri. Kalau saya lebih senang menyebutnya kilas balik. Tapi yang muncul di kepala saya seringkali acak, tidak linear, seperti film-filmnya Alejandro Inarritu, Nolan atau ceritanya Charlie Kaufman. Memang frekuensi bengong jadi bertambah kalau menjelang ulang tahun, yang berarti intensitas mengupil juga makin meningkat (bengong nggak afdol kalau nggak ngupil) :p. Sambil melamun, ide-ide nggak jelas sering berkeliaran, inginnya sok mengambil kesimpulan. Lucu juga kalau melamun dengan logika, semua peristiwa yang kita ingat dikaitkan dengan kausalitas, satu peristiwa adalah premis dan yang lain adalah premis lainnya, dan jadilah kesimpulan. Beberapa minggu terakhir saya pun kena sindrom refleksi pra ulang tahun, semua lamunan saya isinya buka file-file lama yang mungkin sudah disimpan di hard drive eksternal kepala saya (kalau ada ya). Kesimpulannya dari saya sendiri hingga saat ini adalah: Hidup ini memang klise. Ya klise, seklise klise foto.hehehe Karena mungkin ada banyak peristiwa yang berkali-kali terjadi pada kita, sehingga selalu ada ungkapan yang sama untuk merepresentasikan peristiwa tersebut. Sekuat apapun kita berusaha untuk membuat hidup ini lebih berwarna dan menantang, hidup ini tidak pernah benar-benar beragam -dalam artian pengalaman. Bukan hanya soal repetisi atau replikasi, tetapi juga bukti bahwa hal-hal yang mendasar mungkin selalu benar. Dari pengalaman saya selama 24 tahun ini, berikut beberapa pernyataan klise yang sudah saya buktikan lewat pengalaman:

1. Jodoh, Rejeki, dan Kematian ada di tangan Tuhan

Bagi yang tidak mengimani Tuhan, silakan ganti dengan entitas lain, bisa dorongan alam, bisa kekuatan eksternal, atau apapun namanya. Kebetulan saya percaya Tuhan jadi saya beriman bahwa Dia memang punya Andil. Sekilas pernyataan klise ini seperti menentang adanya Free Will dalam diri manusia. Kesannya kita nggak perlu usaha untuk cari jodoh, rejeki, atau memilih mati karena semua sudah diatur Tuhan. Lagi-lagi kalau menurut saya Tuhan adalah negosiator yang handal, dan manusia juga perlu punya bargaining power untuk menulis takdirnya. Jika ada yang namanya suratan takdir, menurut saya sebenarnya kitalah yang menulis suratnya :))
Tapi harus diakui, semua kejadian yang kita alami adalah serangkaian peristiwa yang bersinggungan dengan peristiwa lain. Di situlah letak keterbatasan kita, Menjamin bahwa semuanya akan berakhir seperti yang kita inginkan. Ambil contoh untuk jodoh, mungkin kita sudah berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk menemukan yang kita cari, tapi untuk pada akhirnya orang tersebut mau menjalani semuanya dengan diri kita, tentu ini sudah di luar kuasa kita karena keputusan tersebut adalah kuasa orang yang kita 'anggap' jodoh tadi. Ratusan pengalaman saya membuktikan bahwa segala usaha saya tidak berperan 100% dalam hidup saya, mungkin hanya 70% yang bisa saya usahakan, sedangkan sisanya adalah perpaduan dari pergesekan 'kejadian' dan 'kehendak' tadi. Dan hal ini terkadang terkesan misteri sekaligus komedi.

2. Harus Tahu Kapan Mulai dan Kapan Berhenti
Pernyataan klise ini bisa berlaku untuk banyak hal, tapi bagi saya penekanannya mungkin lebih ke sebuah relasi. Baik relasi dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun profesional. Sebenarnya pernyataan ini bisa membuat kita lebih peka terhadap tanda-tanda di sekitar yang sering diabaikan karena kita cenderung menutup mata demi ego kita. Kita merasa suatu hal bisa diteruskan padahal kenyataannya hanya kita yang menginginkan itu dan semuanya jadi berakhir dipaksakan. Tidak ada yang stagnan dalam hidup ini, kalau kita memaksa terus stagnan yang ada nantinya kita yang menderita. Beberapa pengalaman seperti memaksa saya untuk lebih peka terhadap tanda-tanda di sekitar saya yang menunjukkan bahwa saya tidak harus bertahan hanya karena saya mau bertahan. Kalau memang tempat itu tidak bisa lagi menampung saya, mungkin memang harus ikhlas dan harus tergerak untuk berpindah tempat.

3. Tidak ada Yang Abadi Selain Perubahan
Selalu ada paradoks antara yang nyaman dan yang menantang. Ketika semua di dunia ini berubah, saya bertekad untuk terus mengikuti perubahan. Kalau setiap sel dalam organ saya bisa terus berubah, kenapa diri saya tidak? Bukannya enggan dianggap sebagai konservatif, tapi memang tidak ada yang bisa mengelak dari perubahan. Berkaitan dengan poin di atas, bisa jadi nanti saya yang menderita kalau tidak bersahabat dengan perubahan. Tapi jujur, perubahan tidak pernah mudah bagi saya, anehnya, keadaan yang stagnan bikin saya selalu ingin melawan (ceritanya sok rebel gitu). Yang menarik dari pernyataan klise ini adalah perubahan awalnya seringkali dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang mengancam, padahal perubahan bisa membawa diri kita ke arah yang berbeda dari sebelumnya dan hal tersebut baik untuk diri kita. Hal lain yang membuat saya sangat penasaran sama perubahan adalah prosesnya. Banyak yang ingin perubahan instan, padahal perubahan butuh proses. Saya belajar untuk lebih membuka pikiran dan bersabar dalam mengalami perubahan karena jujur saja, masa transisi adalah momen yang paling menantang dalam perubahan. 

4. Teman adalah Harta yang Paling Berharga
Dalam keadaan sekritis apapun, kadang harapan hanya tersisa di teman. Saya beruntung punya banyak teman yang selalu bisa diandalkan. Saya orang yang sangat mengutamakan teman karena terbukti mampu mengobati patah hati paling pedih sekalipun #eaaa Walaupun harus diakui selalu ada saat saya ingin sendirian dan males ketemua siapa-siapa, toh kalau butuh bantuan pasti langsung menekan fast dial numbers. Saya rela kehilangan apa saja asal jangan teman, karena biarpun sedang kehilangan sesuatu, teman bisa menyediakan pertolongan pertama pada kekecewaan. Mereka juga jadi pengingat dan penjaga setia yang bisa menyemangati kita dalam keadaan apapun. Saran saya, kalau punya teman yang mau mendengarkan apa saja tanpa pamrih, lakukan apa saja demi dia karena ini spesies langka :))

5. Cinta Tidak Harus Memiliki

'Property is theft' kata Proudhon (gaya :p).  Bisa jadi kita makhluk yang paling posesif, kita ingin punya ini dan itu. Beda cerita kalau namanya cinta. Dulu saya nggak percaya sama sekali dengan pernyataan super klise ini. Menurut saya tadinya ini Bullshit!, mana mungkin kalau kita cinta dengan seseorang atau sesuatu kita bisa rela untuk tidak memilikinya? Sayangnya, (lagi-lagi) pengalaman sampai menginjak 24 tahun ini membuktikan kalau kepemilikan bisa menyiksa satu sama lain, atau kepemilikan justru bisa memisahkan. Kalau saya mencintai seseorang dan percaya bahwa sayalah yang harus memiliki dia tanpa melihat kenyataan sebaliknya, cinta saya terselubung oleh ego. Dan ego pada akhirnya membawa pada kebutaan, cinta yang buta lebih berbahaya daripada kapitalisme menurut saya :p. Kadang kita dibuat percaya kalau saling cinta itu harus berakhir berdua, padahal belum tentu reaksi senyawanya sama. Cinta, kepemilikan, dan kebahagiaan bisa saling bersinggungan tapi tidak saling disatukan. Saya pernah merasakan, dengan menghilangkan kepemilikan dalam cinta saya, justru kedua pihak bisa lebih bahagia. Saya punya hak untuk mencintai siapa saja, tapi untuk memilikinya? tentu lain cerita. Betapapun kecewanya saya, tidak pernah terhenti untuk membisikkan ke pikiran kalimat klise ini. Pada saat seperti itu, kalimat ini menjadi kalimat justifikasi paling juara.

6. Kata Hati tidak Pernah Salah
Saya bersyukur, lebih percaya kata hati daripada bisikan-bisikan yang terdistorsi. Sejauh ini, semua pilihan dibuat berdasarkan kata hati. Kadang kata hati bisa bikin sakit hati, tapi tak akan pernah saya sesali.

Bersyukur bisa merasakan jutaan momen dan menelan banyak pengalaman selama 24 tahun, saya masih terbuka untuk kejutan-kejutan selanjutnya. Daftar hal klise pasti akan terus bertambah. Rasanya ingin berterima kasih untuk semua orang yang pernah saya temui, kenal,  dan berinteraksi dalam hidup saya. Mereka menambah 'library' saya baik dalam konteks pengalaman, iTunes, atau bahkan hard drive :D Saya sadar kalau hidup saya hanya serpihan dari satu adonan besar yang akan terus diolah.

Saat ini saya berusaha untuk tidak berdoa untuk diri sendiri melainkan mendoakan semua orang agar ktia tidak pernah berhenti bertanya, meskipun hidup ini penuh basa-basi yang begitu klise.

24 Songs for 24 Years

24th Song: New Order - Age of Consent

Won't you please let me go
These words lie inside they hurt me so
And I'm not the kind that likes to tell you
Just what I want to do
I'm not the kind that needs to tell you
Just what you want me to

I saw you this morning

I thought that you might like to know
I received your message in full a few days ago
I understood every word that it said
And now that I've actually heard it
You're going to regret

And I'm not the kind that likes to tell you

Just what you want me to
You're not the kind that needs to tell me
About the birds and the bees

Do you find this happens all the time

Crucial point one day becomes a crime
And I'm not the kind that likes to tell you
Just what I want to do
I'm not the kind that needs to tell you

I've lost you
I've lost you [x5]
I've lost you [x5]

24 Songs for 24 Years

23rd Song: Stars - Changes

This time in between the day and the night
the light kills my sense of life
so scared, turn it off, turn it off

It's dull, this dusk, this desk, this dust

My eyes adjust
I'll blow out the flame
Can you and me remain?

Changes, never been good with change

I hate it when it all stays the same

caught between the gold and the game
Changes, never been good with change
I hate it when it all stays the same
caught between the cold and the waves
My heart beats up, again

Once said, words make a world of their own

I misread
I can't get you back on the phone
I'm so tired, so turn it off, turn it off
How's that, last week we were home
you're far away
and I hardly know
Can you and me delay?

Changes, never been good with change

I hate it when it all stays the same
caught between the gold and the game
Changes, never been good with change
troubled when it all stays the same
caught between this cold and the waves
My heart beats up, again

Are you my trouble

Are you my trouble

24 Songs for 24 Years

22nd song: Page France- Chariot

Swing, like a chariot
At the trumpet call
When we're all unsaved,
Swing like a wrecking ball
Like the heart of god
What a mystery
Filled with the wedding feast
For the snakes and bees
With the angel teeth, swing
Come and carry us
Come and marry us
To the blushing circus king
And dance like elephants as he comes to us
Through a fiery golden ring
With a violin and a song to sing
As he brings for us our wings
Now he's one of us
Plays the tambourine
Breaks the bread for us
And sings
Will you wait for us
Will you stay for us
Will you grace us everything

You're a wrecking ball
With a heart of gold
People wait for it, swing
Like a chariot
Swing it low for us
Come and carry us away
So we will become a happy ending
So we will become a happy ending
Fire come and carry us
Make us shine or make us rust
Tell us that you care for us
We need to hear a word for us
Let your body stand with us
Or let our rags be turned to dust
Chariot you swing for us
We think that you can carry all of us
So we will become a happy ending
So we will become a happy ending
So we will become a happy ending

24 Songs for 24 Years

21st Song: New Order - Love Less

There was a time I call before
When all I knew was what I saw
The keeper of a major key
I lived in a town called Liberty

I worked hard
To give you all the things that you need
And almost anything that you see
I spent a lifetime working on you
And you won't even talk to me

Can't you see
Why don't you look at me
It's not your right to be
So much my enemy

I knew that I could never give
You knew that you could not forgive
No price or pride would fall before
A ten foot wall without a door

But you know
I watch every step that you make
To find some other fool you can take
And I don't know why I even try
Because it all comes down to this

Can't you see
Why don't you look at me
It's not your right to be
So much my enemy

Can't you see
Why don't you look at me
It's not your right to be
So much my enemy

I worked hard
To give you all the things that you need
And almost anything that you see
I spent a lifetime working on you
And you won't even talk to me

Kamis, 19 April 2012

24 songs for 24 years


11th song: YUCK - Milkshake

back in june, i'll pull the plug out
and push the penny in a poem
i am sorry i admit that
admit that what i did was wrong

i don't wanna get you down
i just need to be around
treating me so unkind
you are making a milkshake of my mind

in july, i pull the plug out
and watch the water wash away
i get high to dream and pin out
and i get higher everyday

i don't wanna get you down
i just need to be around
baby, you are so unkind
you are making a milkshake of my mind

12th song: Cherry Bombshell - Luka

13th song: Sondre Lerche - I Cannot Let You Go

With a sleight of hand
and a force of will
Closets full of odd-sized shoes to fill
I better be a gifted kid To undo some of the deeds you did

In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
You're gonna be alone, gonna be alone, it's gonna be late
Forgive you anything
I try to shake it but it just won't do
And it's all coming back to me now
So we'll pretend, I'll make up something new You can push me away but I cannot let you go (let you go)
I cannot let you go (let you go)
I cannot let you go

The rubber band
is wearing thin
bursting as reality kicks in
All hope should be
at long last lost
but you'll defy all sense at any cost

In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
You're gonna be alone, gonna be alone, it's gonna be late
Forgive you anything
I try to shake it but it just won't do
And it's all coming back to me now
So we'll pretend, I'll make up something new
But there's no getting back to the start
I try to shake it but it just won't do
You can push me away but
I cannot let you go (let you go)
I cannot let you go (let you go)
I cannot let you go
I cannot let you go

In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
You're gonna be alone, gonna be alone, it's gonna be late
Forgive you anything
I try to shake it but it just won't do
And it's all coming back to me now
So let's pretend, I'll make up something new
But there's no getting back to the start
I'll be a father, you can be a son
'til I can't even tell us apart
I try to shake it but the deal is done
You can push me away but
I cannot let you go (let you go)
I cannot let you go (let you go)
Try as I may, I know
I cannot let you go
I cannot let you go

14th song: Dashboard Confessional - The Shade of Poison Trees

15th song: The School - Where Does Your Heart Belong?

16th song: Slowdive - Crazy for you

17th song: Chemical Brothers feat The Magic Numbers - Close Your Eyes

18th song: Destroyer - Leave me Alone (New Order Cover)

19th song: Jens Lekman - Cowboy Boots

"Anywhere but back to you..."

20th song: Death Cab for Cutie - You are a Tourist

This fire grows higher

When there's a burning in your heart
An endless yearning in your heart
Build it bigger than the sun
Let it grow, let it grow
When there's a burning in your heart
Don't be alarmed

This fire grows higher

When there's a doubt within your mind
Because you're thinking all the time
Framing rights into wrongs
Move along, move along
When there's a doubt within your mind

When there's a burning in your heart
And you think it'll burst apart
Or there's nothing to feel
Save the tears, save the tears
When there's a burning in your heart

And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born
Then it's time to go
And define your destination
There's so many different places to call home
Because when you find yourself the villain in the story you have written
It's plain to see
That sometimes the best intentions are in need of redemptions
Would you agree?
If so please show me

This fire grows higher
When there's a burning in your heart

24 songs for 24 years

5th song: Shout Out Louds- Play the Game

6th song: Brandon Flowers - Only the young

"Only The Young"

Look back in silence
The cradle of your whole life
There in the distance
Losing its greatest pride
Nothing is easy, nothing is sacred, why?
Where did the bow break?
It happened before your time

And there were people there
Lovely as you'd ever care
Tonight, baby, you can start again
Laughing in the open air
Have yourself another dream
Tonight, baby, we can start again

Only the young can break away, break away
Lost when the wind blows, on your own
Only the young can break away, break away
Lost when the wind blows, on your own

Mother, it's cold here
Father, thy will be done
Thunder and lightning are crashing down
They got me on the run
Direct me to the sun
Redemption, keep my covers clean tonight
Baby, we can start again

Only the young can break away, break away
Lost when the wind blows, on your own
Only the young can break away, break away
Lost when the wind blows, on your own

And the sun will shine again
And the sun will shine again
Are you looking for a sign?
Or are you caught up in the lie?

7th song: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Little Shadow

Patience, shadow. While you're sick, there's no sight to see.
Little shadow, little shadow.
To the night, will you follow me?
Pardon, shadow, hold on tight to your darkened key.
Little shadow, little shadow.
To the night, will you follow me?

Closer, shadow, volume strikes, still we're cut free
of this song, little shadow
To the night, will you follow me?
Hey, shadow, stars, break of dawn, take a turn for stars, to my fantasy
Little shadow, to the night, will you follow me?

8th song: Kings of Convenience - I Don't Know What I Can Save You From

8th song: Chapterhouse - Breather

9th song: Charlotte Gainsbourg - Heaven Can Wait

She's sliding, she's sliding
Down to the dregs of the world
She's fighting, she's fighting
The urge to make sand out of pearls

Heaven can wait
And hell's too far to go
Somewhere between what you need
And you know
And they are trying to drive
The escalator into the ground

She's hiding, she's hiding
On a battleship with baggage to roam
There's thunder, there's lightning
And an avalanche of faces you know.

Heaven can wait
And hell's too far to go
Somewhere between what you need
And you know
And they are trying to drive
The escalator into the ground

And you left your credentials
In a Greyhound station
With a first aid kit and a flashlight
Going to a desert unknown

10th song: Elastica - Connection

Kamis, 12 April 2012

24 songs for 24 years

4th Song: The Primitives - Emphatise

earth and sea, wind and flame
you and me, we’re the same
we remain, have no shame
take my hand, don’t be shy
hold me and kiss my eyes
tell no lies, empathise
I want you to be like me
to be like me
I want you to be like me
to see like me
steal your will little one
friendship thrill to belong
can’t go wrong
sing my song
take my hand, don’t be shy
hold me and kiss my eyes
tell no lies, empathise
I want you to be like me
to be like me
I want you to be like me
to see like me
I want you
I want you
I want you to be like me
to see like me
to feel like me
to be like me
(earth and sea, wind and flame
you and me, we’re the same)

Rabu, 11 April 2012

24 songs for 24 years

3rd Song: Tom Waits - Dead and Lovely

She was a middle class girl
She was in over her head
She thought she would
Stand up in the deep end

He had a bullet proof smile
He had money to burn
She thought she had the moon
In her pocket

But now she's dead
She's so dead
Forever dead and lovely now

I've always been told to
Remember this...
Don't let a fool kiss you
Never marry for love

He was hard to impress
He knew everyone's secrets
He wore her on his arm
Just like jewelry

He never gave but he got
He kept her on a leash
He's not the kind of wheel
You fall asleep at

But now she's dead
Forever dead
Forever dead and lovely now

Come closer, look deeper
You've fallen fast
Just like a plane on a
Stormy sea

She made up someone to be
She made up somewhere to be from
This is one business in the
World where that's no
Problem at all

Everything that is left
They will only plow under
Soon every one you knew
Will be gone

And now she's dead
Forever dead
Forever dead and lovely now

Now she's dead
Forever dead
Forever dead and lovely now

I've always been told to
Remember this...
Don't let a kiss fool you
Never marry for love

Everything has it's price
Everything has it's place
What's more romantic
Then dying in the moonlight?

Now they're all watching the sea
What's lost can never be broken
Her roots were sweet
But they were so shallow

And now she's dead
Forever dead
Forever dead and lovely now

And now she's dead
Forever dead
And she's so dead and lovely now

24 songs for 24 years

2nd Song: UNKLE - Lonely Souls

God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls
Yeah, yeah

I believe there's a time and a place
To let your mind drift and get out of this place
I believe there's a day and a place
That we will go to, and I know you wanna share.

There's no secret to living (There's no secret to living)
Just keep on walking
There's no secret to dying (There's no secret to dying)
Just keep on flying.

I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name
I'm gonna die in a space that don't hold my fame.

God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls.

I believe there's a time when the cord of life
Should be cut, my friends (Cut the cord, my friend)
I believe there's a time when the cord can be cut
And this vision ends (Let this vision end).

But I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name
And I'm gonna cry in a space that don't hold my fame.

Walking in the cold
Just keep on flying
There'll be a searchlight
On the mountain high
God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm a lonely soul.

I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name
I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name.

God knows you are lonely souls
Lonely souls
Lonely souls
Lonely souls
I'm a lonely soul.

So long, little chapel
Pack up your light
Pack up your light
Say goodbye to the holy water life

Minggu, 08 April 2012

24 songs for 24 years

1st Song : Arctic Monkeys - Love is A Laserquest

Do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now
Or darling have you started feeling old yet?
Don't worry I'm sure that you're still breaking hearts
With the efficiency that only youth can harness

And do you still think love is a laserquest
Or do you take it all more seriously?
I've tried to ask you this in some daydreams that I've had
But you're always busy being make believe

And do you look into the mirror to remind yourself you're there
Or has somebody's goodnight kisses got that covered?
When I'm not being honest I pretend that you were just some lover

Now I can't think of air without thinking of you
I doubt that comes as a surprise
And I can't think of anything to dream about
I can't find anywhere to hide
And when I'm hanging on by the rings around my eyes
And I convince myself I need another
For a minute it gets easier to pretend that you were just some lover

When I'm pipe and slippers and rocking chair
Singing dreadful songs about summer
Will I've found a better method of pretending you were just some lover?
Will I've found a better method of pretending you were just some lover?

Minggu, 01 April 2012

Kelas Menengah, Berfungsilah...

Hei kelas menengah, mimpi apa semalam?

Mimpi membangun rumah lengkap dgn halamannya?

Melihat john Mayer di Java Jazz?

Liburan tengah/akhir tahun di Phuket dgn promo AirAsia?

Merayakan pernikahan dengan pesta kebun?

Naik jabatan atau promosi di lain divisi?

Melunasi cicilan Grand Livina seketika?

Mendapat bingkisan iPhone 4S lengkap dengan Siri-nya?

Mendapat bonus pulsa unlimited untuk update status?

Ayo Bangun!

Indonesia sudah lelah

Karena Semua berlomba-lomba dgn fahamnya

Indeks pembangunan telah kadaluarsa

Perekonomian kreatif berjalan entah ke mana

Pendidikan tidak lagi menyisakan lahan

Social Media bukan segalanya

Ketidakadilah butuh tindakan

Kekerasan butuh perlawanan

Karena diam bukanlah jawaban

Ya, karena diam bukanlah jawaban... Sekian

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