Kamis, 24 April 2008

20 Days to 20 years old

Day 20 If tomorrow never comes

Akhirnya hari ke-20 tiba juga tepat nanti jam 12 genap sudah 20 tahun saya ada di bumi ini. Jika tahun-tahun kemarin saya berangan-angan apa yang akan terjadi setelah umur saya bertambah, kali ini saya ingin berangan-angan jika hari esok tidak ada. Yup… saya berimajinasi andai saja tanggal 24 April lenyap dari kalender saya maupun anda. Otomatis jika tidak ada tanggal 24, saya tidak akan berumur 20 tahun. Kok bisa? Ya semua bisa saja terjadi dari yang paling buruk hingga yang paling baik.

Seandainya besok tidak ada, berarti saya ingin menjadi manusia pada umumnya. Saya lelah mencari tahu banyak hal karena semakin saya tahu kenyataan yang ada semakin membuat saya enggan untuk terus ada di sini. Saya ingin stop membaca buku terutama e-booknya Foucault. Saya tidak ingin menelusuri Archeology of knowledge. Kalau memang benar Knowledge is the power, saya tidak ingin memiliki power tersebut. Saya mau tutup mata agar tidak tahu bahwa unilever membakar habis hutan Indonesia untuk ditanam kelapa sawit. Saya ingin memiliki cincin kawin dengan emas 20 karat karena itu saya tidak boleh tahu bahwa kurang lebih 6 truk limbah yang akan mencemari alam sekitar pertambangannya.

Saya ingin berhenti menulis, simpan saja semua kata-kata di benak terdalam agar orang-orang di luar sana tidak tahu menahu akan pikiran saya. Saya merasa terasing karena tidak mendengarkan Gen fm dan bukan penikmat pop culture. Simply to say, I wanna be like common people, I wanna do whatever common people do. Lulus kuliah 4 tahun dengan skripsi yang positivis, menjadi orang ‘korporat’ yang kerja di distrik bisnis Sudirman-Kuningan, menikah dengan suami yang mengorbankan dirinya menjadi kepala keluarga, beranak-pinak hingga penduduk Indonesia terus bertambah dan siap dibebani hutang Negara. Saya mau jadi ibu-ibu fashionista yang tidak pernah absen keluaran terbaru dari Fjl atau club21, membeli haute couture nya Hussein Chalayan seharga jutaan rupiah, menjemput anak di High Scope, wanita karier dengan gaji dua digit, and so on….

Is it true? Apakah saya benar menginginkannya? Hahaha….percaya atau tidak, di mimpi saya pun bayangan itu tidak pernah hadir. Hehehe….jadi kenapa dong saya ingin jadi seperti orang kebanyakan?

Hmm… mungkin jika tanggal 24 tidak ada, itu berarti saya tidak akan pernah merayakan ulang tahun, saya tidak akan lagi berefleksi pada diri saya sendiri. Lebih jauh, saya semakin terasing dari diri saya sendiri karena saya berusaha sekali untuk diterima masyarakat, untuk hidup dalam sistem, kembali mereproduksi budaya yang ada, dan diam mengikuti apa saja yang ada. Alih-alih diterima di masyarakat, saya semakin jauh dari tujuan hidup saya.

Pertanyaan itu terus menghantui pikiran saya, “Am I on the right track?” sudahkah saya membuat keputusan yang tepat? Dulu saya selalu berpikir tentang keberhasilan, bahwa hidup ini seperti rencana pemasaran yang harus menciptakan strategi agar berhasil mencapai tujuan. Tapi saya tidak ingin bergabung dalam IMK (Ikatan Masyarakat Kapitalis) yang menganggap bahwa hidup itu persoalan gagal atau berhasil. Hidup saya bukan bisnis dan saya tidak pernah berjudi dalam mengambil keputusan. Sesulit-sulitnya perjalanan saya, saya tidak ingin kembali ke awal, apa yang ada tinggal saya nikmati saja. Misalnya besok tidak pernah ada, itu artinya akhir dari cerita saya adalah seorang gadis 19 tahun yang masih punya banyak hutang tugas dengan dosen dan teman sekelompok saya, masih belum mampu memahami orang yang saya sayangi, dan masih ragu akan jalan yang dituju. Afra adalah perempuan yang dengan semanngatnya memberi pemahaman yang beragam pada setiap orang yang dia jumpai, seorang anak sulung yang belum cukup membahagiakan orang tuanya, dan seorang kekasih yang memiliki banyak kekurangan. Andaikan waktu berhenti di hari ini, nama afra suci ramadhan akan diasosiasikan dengan kutu buku pembenci matematika, dan tiba-tiba..

“Breaking news” di sela2 menulis, dimdim menelpon dan zapp…..di bilang ada di depan rumah!!! Waduh! Segera tadi saya turun ke bawah, and he bring me present, a backpack that I’m dying to have, he warn me not to open it till he call me again. Geeeezzzz….i’m so speechless!! Mendadak gagu rasanya…Thanks a lot dimdim…U bring me plenty surprises that I always fascinated by them.

Ok lanjutt….

Afra diidentikkan dengan weezer, girl from mars (kata seorang teman yang beranggapan bahwa saya tidak memiliki sifat venus), pendengar musik2 aneh, menulis, jurnal perempuan, komunikasi UI (which I’m not proud at all), kuliner traveller, kenek metromini (karena saya hafal jalan dan angkutan umum di jakarta), dan The porno (band yang saya gandrungi dan produseri). Alhamdulillah, nyaris 20 tahun saya hidup, saya merasa cukup bahagia dan puas sekaligus penuh syukur, walaupun saya sedikit jorok, berantakan, cuek, suka ngasal, tidak memiliki keluarga yang seperti di iklan pepsodent, nggak punya kacamata way farer, tidak mengecat rambut menjadi cokelat (karena sudah cokelat dari sananya), dan tidak pernah nonton tv. Saya bersyukur punya orang-orang terdekat yang support saya (especially my no.1 supporter, dimdim), papa yang menasehati saya dengan pandangan idealisnya, teman-teman yang kacrut, bocor, dan bikin ketawa sampe koit (galdiran, anak Kom 2005, Change crew). Kalaupun hari esok tidak ada, saya bahagia dengan hidup saya yang dikelilingi orang-orang hebat nan gaul.hehehhe…...

Kata-kata penutup, “We’re supposed to be happy naturely, so why do we try hard to find it then?”

20 Days to 20 years old

Day 11-19

Day 11

Always hate to wake early in the morning. Became so common for coming late to Philosophy and Ethic Communication class. Hip hip hurray, there’re no lecture for second term, I spent my time waiting for rain with my friend Ciwil. It’s always funny to hear his blurbs and stories. Then, I went to Ogilvy Action office for doing ADOI interview. Today’s not really hard though numb feeling still tangled in my head.

Day 12

Nothing happens today. Everything’s in a right place, the schedule went so smoothly from global marketing class to Editorial brainstorming. I thought I was the laziest girl on earth today, really effortless and sleep all the day. I did many sophisticated conversation and finished my homework quickly.

Day 13

I really wish I could understand my seminar lecturer’s mind. He’s kinda in between outrageous or out of mind. It always wasted for being in his class. I put my sympathy but I think everybody in his class will agree to ignore him. Sorry anyway Mr. Ari. I know you are such a revolutionary one yet you never get out of “Habermas thing”. I always waited for Marxist discussion on the class and it never happen actually. He does so critical. Maybe my mind (and of course everybody in the class) just cannot fit into his. In opponent, I love today copywriting class anyway, my guest lecturer is a famous writer. She is Prima Rusdi, the one with short story that I always love. She taught us many great things and tips, not only for our carrier but also for my dreams. I wanna be like her always. She looks so in love in writing, so passionate about movie, so nationalist, and so critical. What a beautiful mind she has!

Day 14

Day went on like other Thursday, not in a hurry. After advertising class I had to go to ADOI office after a week before. I can’t stand on Jakarta’s road. The road never stops freak you out and never ending pain. I really don’t wanna live here, it’s not my place. Take me out then…

Day 15

We love Friday aren’t we? How couldn’t we love it? Only one class, tomorrow is gonna be Saturday and you’re having plenty of time to be wasted. Unfortunately, I have to attend guest lecture and it will take too far from Woman Journal foundation office. Imagine the distance, Ampera to tebet! Oh no, oh my (like Austin band) it’s true, I caught up on a fucking boring traffic (and it’s like hundreds one). Hectic, exhausted, I need a rest, really…

Day 16

We’re (me and my friends) longing to meet our seniors to share experiences and knowledge. I hate starbucks but had to come in because of the gathering or mentoring. Time went fast and I have to live, I have to go to Blitz with my dimdim. Yup! We’d like to watch another French movie. We’re participated in the festival as good audience who choose right movie. The movie named Les Deux Mondes or two worlds maybe in English. The movie had stunning story but the atmosphere was just not right this time. I didn’t like part in that movie, I hate break up lovers. It seemed so wrong and we’re all agreed, no one like that moment certainly.

Day 17

Sunday ? Felt the Futsal ambience while accompanied dimdim’s game. Since it will help my AXE futsal version campaign. Finally, I’ve found my Campaign’s tagline. “No Score without Goal, No Goal without Score” FYI it’s for AXE Score variant.

Today just waste great time with dimdim. I am reading an awesome book, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’. It’s just sooo…. Me! The author seems have many things in common with me. It’s a must to read! Elizabeth Gilbert went to Bali for writing this book, after some pages passed I’ve realized that I’m the lucky one for knowing God early. Believe me, it helps always.

Day 18

I hate Monday. Luckily, thanks to Dove Brand Manager, Mba Ika who’s so chic and pretty, for lending her hectic time to be interviewed. It’s for my research task sake and she’s so cooperated with any question. The lovely one came, She also offered walls Ice cream. Ummm….yummy!

I had to submit some articles for ADOI, It’s already deadline. No one love the dead line, we’re hopping live line.hahaha……

Day 19

This week is no attending-lecture week. I say off to college. I don’t want to go there. I want to use my chance for absent. Luckily, my lecturer didn’t present, he’s also absent. So today I was saved. Since several days ago I always think about something that I can’t describe, even to myself,what it’s all about. The more I searched the stability the closer myself into instability. The more I tried to erase the more it present. Leaving is just as impossible as staying. The more I wanted to complete it the more I lost it. Many questions flew inside my head, some might answered yet another never be. What becomes my soundtrack is a hopeless song, such as: only in dream-weezer, goodbye-asobi seksu, or against the tide –radio dept. I’m so thankful that I believe in God, I have a private conversation with confidential guarantee. I want to apologize to people surround me, I acted so weird, my mind rather skipped, and my emotion became so unpredictable. Ok then,I finish my day with weezer’s ….”If u want to destroy my sweater…. Oooo…”

Minggu, 06 April 2008

20 Days to 20 Years Old

Soon, only in 20 days later, I will officially passed my teenager era. Some might say that teenager is the only phase where u allowed to be that rebel, expressive, play around, and make a fast decision in uncertainty. Is it true? So, will I become impressive, pragmatist, serious, and making decision with considerations when I turn into 20 ??? Honestly, I always want to be the rebel, expressive, and hilarious one. What will happen then on my way to be 20 years old girl? Let’s figure it…

Day 1
Its raining on the street. Me and my Editor in Chief needed shelter to be saved from the wetness. We’ve just got back from Sanggar Anak Akar a place for keeping and maintaning street children. I saw there, a child asked the elder about religion, prophet, heaven, and hell. What an innocent child u are… (how about u adult?). Then lunch in Tifa foundation office, actually I almost bewildered by the lunch conversation, its quite distinctive. They talked about public policy, politics, and others. Thanks for them I got a knowledge lunch too. My day end up with my daily reading, Erich Fromm “What kind of men, then, does our society need? What is the ‘social character’ suited to 20th century Capitalism? It needs men who co-operate smoothly in large groups ;who want to consume more and more, and those whose taste are standardized and can be easily influenced and anticipated” Hopefully, I’m not one of them.

Day 2
According to plan, me and my dimdim would go around Jakarta to meet several people for business sake. He (dimdim) seemed not in a good condition since 2 days ago affected by his side job deadline. I didn’t allow him to be that way actually. But there’s something that have to be finished. The nightmare came when he picked me up, he looked so pale and powerless. I couldn’t stand to see him like this and I went to nearest drugstore to buy medicine. He’s getting worse and I knew, I should call his family to get him. Thank God, his brother came and took us to his home. I hated him for resisting my offer to meet the doctor. I knew he need doctor so bad, but he insisted not to. I respected his decision and decide to stay, take care of him by my self. I wanted to be on his side…
While I was guarding him, I read a book, conversation with Pramoedya A. Toer. It was really a good book, burn my spirit. Pram has left us, but not his messages with the total revolution spirit. He said “Saya rasa, Indonesia sudah tidak bisa tertolong lagi, kecuali dengan melakukan perubahan yang radikal. Dan ini harus dipimpin oleh angkatan muda. Jangan banyak bicara, harus langsung bertindak!”

Day 3
Today I accompanied my dimdim. His body still remained suffer but already recovered. All day long we read funny illustration book by benny & mice which was so sociologically witty & silly. Took a rest and emptied the brain… Wondered tomorrow activity. Already hate the pattern, bored, blanked, numbed, fucked!

Day 4
Woke up in the morning, so lazy… Communication ethic lesson, like usual not interested. Gathered with my task group talked about tomorrow presentation. Deadline always pissed me off.

Day 5

I had chanced to watch the most sensational movie more than the box office one. Fitna this movie called and its name exactly reflected its content. Its provocative, political purposed, and having no direction at all. But religion is one of the most sensitive issues. Only one question in my mind. What do they search for anyway?

Day 6
Hectic… full class attendance. But I was having precious class with Prima Rusdi on my copywriting class. I had to fight for my group thesis. Got to find my lecture soon. Caught the train, finally I got it. Silly things that I always do on the train are starred to everyone near me, observed what’s going on here, and sleep for a while. I had successful dinner with dimdim, I dreamed on pasta then I eat pizza and garlic bread. Yummyy……it seems so rainy hard everyday. Luckily I will start my class at afternoon tomorrow, so I can have sleep more… hip hip hooray!

Day 7
Washed and Ironed clothes, watched oprah, showered my hair. I always love Thursday. Everything goes slowly and easy. Just no rush, follow the rhythm, no hurry at all. But I had to attend editorial meeting at the office. Brainstorming for upcoming edition, stuck but then relieved. Finally, Friday tomorrow…Please no college homework, I’ already fed up!!hahahaha….

Day 8 “Important day”
Why this day became necessary? First thing, umm… My not-quiet-new Cell phone was almost lost at campus. Almost? How come?Ok…explanation: I drowned in my cyber world diving moment through Hotspot UI speedy wi-fi. I guessed I was drowning too deep in my Powerbook screen so that I couldn’t realize, I have a black Sony Erricsson Phone. Yup, when my friend came to me, I recognized my cell phone, which I bought with my own money for half, had successfully vanished into nowhere. I kept searching but it turned to zero. I was kinda panicked a lot for 15 first minutes. Then I could think about it slowly and just pass this moment. It mentioned as ‘almost lost’ because after 1 hour its lost, someone called Mas Iwan from Fisip D3 administration had found my beloved cell phone and he ringed my Dimdim. So say thanks to my Mas Iwan (for finding my precious one), Dimdim (for being patient with my temper), and God (For giving chances to keep the cell phone well next time). Second events, I was having adventure with my friend Inal. We had to meet a guest lecture at Kedoya and there were no idea at all in our heads about how to get there. I convinced Inal that Jakarta is a kind of tropical forest, which is so adventurous and challenging to be conquered. Followed with ‘asking street’ method we could reach at the location successfully and it proved my statement, we could conquered the-long-long-trip to get there. We’re now ready to be compared with Dora the Explorer!

Day 9
Saturday Night always impressed me. The night always let me to try any kind of place, food, movie, anything! Tonight I surveyed a place for my upcoming project and it’s located at the Ancol sea shore. I think It’s a happening place in Jakarta nowadays. It’s Segarra, a dining at the edge of the Ancol Beach. They offer expensive supper and it became torturing for your skin since you had to battle with mosquitos. They pricked my feet a lot. Huh! It’s true a fine dining surrounded by tropical beach, packaged with tropical insect (mosquitos).

Day 10
Today is Sunday. Time to set my room again and do my college homework. Luckily, I’ve spare time at evening and like usual, I spent it with Dimdim. We went to cinema, watched French Movie festival “La Vie en Artiste”. Comedy movie with heart touching message. We ended by licking gelato mascarpone and choco caramel. Yummy…

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